Is Managed Services Right For Your Small Business?

When you think of managed services for your smallĀ business, you probably still think back to the days when an on-site IT staff tied up your computers to take care of issues. This type of service (otherwise known as “break and fix”) still exists, and it’s something you perhaps count on now. But the money spent on those services are quite expensive considering the technicians work by the hour. Their hourly rate is usually significantly more than you probably estimated.

Hiring a regular IT supportĀ team is out of the question when your budget is extremely limited. So where do you turn so you pay a flat rate and still have someone manage your computer systems to avoid doing it yourself?managed it support

Here at Avantech, we’re available with remote managed services for those who have small businesses and don’t have the budgets for expensive IT fixes.

What can you expect from remote managed services in comparison to an in-house team? Through our efficient system, you’ll appreciate the focus on prevention so most major threats don’t happen in the first place.

The Thoroughness of Remote Managed Services

If you think using a virtual team for managed services means less quality, think again. Our team checks everything for you from your operating system down to security on your network. While all managed service solutions monitor businesses differently, we do it through an automated system that scans your systems every 15 minutes. In the event something happens, we’re alerted immediately.

The beauty of remote managed services is that it works quietly in the background. You won’t even know that a devoted team is looking out for your computer systems around the clock. In addition, preventative measures are always put in place so the most common problems are less likely to happen.

When something does happen, it’s fixed quickly, usually without you even knowing anything occurred. Nevertheless, we alert you so you know we’re always there without getting in your way.

With small businessesĀ just as vulnerable to hacking and other threats, you need reliable managed services keeping watch.

VisitĀ Avantech to find out how much we’ll help your smallĀ business while you work and while you sleep.